Our frequently asked questions page will answer any queries you may have. If you are still unsure of something please contact us at info@littleblossomgifts.com.au where we will be happy to help.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are open and working hard delivering gifts, although due to stock availability some items may appear as a limited quantity or go out of stock very quickly. We are doing everything we can to keep the website as up to date as possible for you to browse through.

We are actively monitoring this rapidly evolving situation. We take the health and safety of our customers very seriously.  Rest assured we follow all necessary guidelines to help prevent the spread of any infection.

Due to the evolving situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19), unfortunately, we can’t offer returns with our products due to hygiene. 

We are working exceptionally hard to deliver your items during these times, so please bear with us if your gift is not delivered on your preferred date.

Thank you for your understanding.

Can I change items in a gift hamper for others I’ve seen on your website?

Yes, we’ll happily change or add items to make your gift hamper more personal however, this may alter the cost of the gift hamper.

Ordering more than one gift.

If you are ordering more than one gift to the same household we usually try to send the items within the same box and charge one amount $10.00. If you have several gifts going to different addresses the standard delivery charge of $10.00 will be incurred for each address.